Dry Needling &
Trigger Point Therapy
Services > Dry Needling
What is dry needling?
Dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine acupuncture needles into specific points within the muscle known as trigger points.
These trigger points are taut bands of muscle, fascia and connective tissue, which have usually developed over time. They are often tender to touch and can cause local and referred pain.
Trigger points have a build up of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine and can cause myofascial restrictions. They can occur due to overuse of a muscle and poor posture causing shortening of a muscle.
Often by releasing these trigger points via dry needling the pain subsides, the muscle shortening improves, and tissue becomes healthy and functional.
What are the benefits?
Target + relieve muscle trigger points.
Reduce localised + referred pain.
Release tightness + improve function.
Enhance tissue health + functionality.
Increase muscle flexibility + mobility.
Mitigate myofascial restrictions.